To say that it’s been too long is an understatement. In the many years since I last posted to WordPress, I started a YouTube Channel, worked for other blogs, and eventually started a podcast. Yet, I find myself back here scribbling down thoughts which won’t make it on a video or a podcasting platform.

As you undoubtedly know, every season of life carries its own calling. Right now, I am drawn back to the written word because my days are filled with caring for my perfect little angel baby. That’s right, motherhood is my new season. There is no good time to record a video or podcast when any sudden noise would put an end to a much needed nap for my sweet little one. Yet my heart burns with the desire to share the goodness of God. So here we are, back on this journey together. I am so glad to join with you again. Thank you for your patience. Now, where to begin… stay tuned for upcoming blog posts. Sign up for email notifications if you care to. Let’s get this party (re)started!!! Talk soon!

God loves you so much and so do I ❤

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